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Bridge Pose
John Doe

This pose provides a gentle, but effective stretch in the spine region, which is normally an area of discomfort, so this can provide relaxation. Additionally, on top of stress relief, this pose can help with insomnia and is effective when done right before going to sleep.

  1. Lie flat on the back and bend both knees while placing both feet on the ground with a hip width apart
  2. Slide your arms along the side of your body, fully extended, with your palms facing down
  3. Inhale deeply and lift up the hips, rolling your spine off the floor so it is in line with the angle your upper legs are making
  4. Squeeze your knees tightly together, maintaining the position of your feet
  5. Open your chest upwards by pressing your arms and shoulders down onto the floor
  6. Breathe and hold this position for 4-8 breaths
  7. When finished, slowly lower your hips to the ground, exhaling as you do so
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