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John Doe

A lot of the time, the stress that pervades our lives can be based on external factors that are out of our control. Sometimes, we have to accept that stress is a part of being human and worrying about something is simply a natural human instinct. However, there is always something you can do to minimize your stress levels or help cope with it. For example, if you are in school and your classes are causing you an amount of stress that you cannot bear, drop some of those classes. This is clearly easier said than done because of all of the different pressures you may have on you, but your mental health is what should take precedence over everything else. Additionally, you should always feel comfortable asking people around you for help. Let your teacher know that your workload is too much, talk to your guidance counselor at school about some of your problems, and share your struggles with considerate family members. Even if you don’t have many of those support systems, there is always a way to find help. For example, you can contact online sources such as Samaritans or get professional help from local therapists. If you feel that your issue with stress is much deeper than surface level, contacting a professional near you is the best option.

General tips:

  1. Ensure that you have a strong support system around you to lift you up during any of your tough times. Your support system — friends, family, and coworkers — may be your best asset in the fight against overwhelming stress. These are the people that can recognize when you are struggling, offer to listen to you voice your frustrations and worries, and then spend time with you to come up with solutions
  2. Use the resources readily available to you. This website is an example of a great resource to cope with stress, so if you are finding yourself here, you are probably already doing a good job with this. However, you can also use stress/anxiety hotlines like the ones offered by Samhsa or you can speak to online therapists.
  3. Seek professional help. If stress has been affecting you to an uncontrollable point, please seek professional help. There are many doctors, psychologists, and therapists who are professionally trained to help you ease your stress, so don’t be afraid to use those resources.
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