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Effects of Diet
John Doe
  1. Dark Chocolate - Spark chocolate reduces stress with both its chemical and emotional impact. Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants which help lower stress levels. Additionally, chocolate feels like an indulgence, which alone can reduce stress.
  2. Whole Grain Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates can increase levels of serotonin (a chemical in the body that helps boost mood), and therefore, reduces stress. However, refined carbohydrates can have the opposite effect.
  3. Bananas - Bananas contain dopamine, which is a chemical that also boosts mood. Additionally, they are rich in magnesium, which usually decreases in level when one is under stress. The potassium that bananas offer can also reduce high blood pressure.
  4. Fish - Fish are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are very healthy for your heart. These acids may also help ease depression and reduce stress and overall anxiety.
  5. Water - Dehydration can increase cortisol levels, leading to stress. Drinking water simply better equips your body to deal with stress in a better way.
  6. Milk - Milk is rich in calcium which helps relax your muscles and stabilize your mood.
  7. Nuts - Nuts are satiating, and eating them can reduce your craving to eat unhealthy foods. The vitamin B in nuts has also been linked to the reduction of stress.
  8. Leafy Vegetables - These vegetables are rich sources of magnesium, which decreases cortisol and blood pressure levels, reducing stress.
  9. Citrus fruits - The vitamin C in citrus significantly decreases cortisol levels, leading to reduced stress, as depicted in multiple studies.